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|MARCH 07, 2022

International women's day 2022

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Meet the women of Liverpool. In honor of International Women's Day.

In celebration of International Women’s Day, we asked each of the women of Liverpool what inspires them, what challenges they have met in their lives and most importantly in one word, how they define themselves as a woman.

Their responses are heartfelt, honest and create a micro look at the way women today present themselves. Their portraits along with their single word definitions deliver a strong and powerful statement, and definitely give reason for celebration.

Take a careful look at each of these courageous and compassionate mothers, sisters, daughters and grandmothers. These are the Women of Liverpool.

Creative Director


What word best describes you as a woman?
Passionate I only do things that I’m passionate about – it’s like breathing to me.

What hurdles have you had to overcome to get where you are today? 
Standing up to my father who wanted me to major in something I wasn’t passionate about. Starting a business that all my friends said wouldn’t work. Taking positions that were clearly over my head – but I was determined not to fail. 

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement?
Believe in yourself. Take risks bigger than you think you can handle, and if you don’t succeed – try again – it’s better to fail trying than to never have tried at all. 

What do you love about your role at Liverpool? 
I am fortunate to be in a position that works with all departments at Liverpool.  I love interacting with everyone and cherish the opportunity to get to know my co-workers on a deeper level. I love that my role at Liverpool is creative and works with creative thinking people. I love that my role keeps me on my feet ‘literally’ all day – I am rarely sitting in front of my computer – I’m always on the go. 

Holly A.
Executive Vice President


What word best describes you as a woman?
Intuitive Call it years of experience with successes and failures but I have learned to trust my inner voice.  It guides me to make good decisions, hire the right people and not to be afraid to take risks. I do a gut check and if it feels right, I go with it. 

What woman inspired you to become the woman you are?
My Grandmother, Stella, was a real estate developer from Chicago and a true fashionista. She taught me how to sew at age 7 and the love for a great fabric store. We could spend hours in the store feeling and picking fabrics, prints and trims. I so enjoyed my time spent with her creating our designs. She told me that there was nothing I couldn’t do once I set my mind to it. She was so right. Most of all I miss her story telling of the good old days and her giggles which were infectious.

What makes you most proud of yourself? 
Can I say breastfeeding?? That was the hardest but most awarding experience personally for me.  My kids Genavieve and Nicolas are my universe and I try to be a strong role model for them. I consider myself to be a fair and loyal person.  I also strongly believe in doing what you say you are going to do.  People know that they can count on me for that.  I am a “I got your back” kind of person.

What do you love about your role at Liverpool?
What I love about my role is the opportunity to bring the best out of people. The team is an amazing group of people who are all so committed and passionate about Liverpool and believe in what we are building together. I am inspired by the support and teamwork we give each other. Most importantly we challenge one another to think outside the box and brainstorm new ideas. Never be afraid to try something new and fail. There is so much to learn from that!

Veronica J.
Executive Assistant


What word best describes you as a woman?
Balance I am a Libra and balance is in my nature. I’m also a smiling and friendly person.

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement?
Always remember you are Braver, Stronger, Smarter and Loved!

What do you love about women? 
Women are always a source of inspiration for the family and society.

What do you love about your role at Liverpool?
I love the work I do here at Liverpool! I considered myself the go-to person with any work-related question I can help with.

Heather L.
Executive Sales Assistant 


What word best describes you as a woman?
Fearless I have never been afraid to make things happen or take chances. I’m not afraid to be open and honest or wear my heart on my sleeve.

What woman inspired you to become the woman you are? 
My mother was my biggest inspiration, even though we didn’t have much time together. She never faltered even after she was diagnosed with cancer and pushed through any hurtle that was thrown at her. She to me had one of the hardest jobs, being a special education teacher for pre-k and kindergarteners in a poor school district. While going through chemo, she always gave her students her best. She also at one point had to learn how to walk again due to a tumor that was found on her spine.  Just her courage and strength to go through that and fight cancer taught me that I could overcome anything life threw at me, even if it broke me down at the beginning.

What makes you most proud of yourself?
That no matter what life has thrown at me, I have always found a way to survive, thrive and grow. I never let the rough times take power over me and always able to pick myself back up. Growing and fighting through those times, I finally feel like I am headed into the future I deserve.

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement?
No matter what the world or life throws at you, remember that you are your number one fan and support system. Once you learn to love and trust yourself, nothing will ever stand in your way.

Carly C.
Associate Women’s Denim Designer


What word best describes you as a woman?
Optimist I am an Optimist. I believe that our minds are a powerful tool and when you nurture them with positive thoughts, our lives begin to change, and we grow into ourselves. 

What woman inspired you to become the woman you are?
I’ve always been creative and grew up dreaming about working in a collaborative environment. With that being said it took hard work and drive to get me to where I am today, and for that I have always looked up to my older sister. She laid the groundwork for me on how to achieve personal success. 

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement?
To switch your mindset from “I have to, to I get to”. Perspective is everything and positivity is contagious. 

What do you love about women?
When women come together to empower other women, it’s a force to be reckoned with. 

Veronica T.
Executive Sales Assistant


What word best describes you as a woman?
Helpful At home, I help my mother and brothers who have special needs. At work, whenever my co-workers need me, I try to help them out in any way I can. I always find myself helping people one way or the other wherever I go.

What woman inspired you to become the woman you are? 
When I was in my early 20's, I was working at another clothing company and my supervisor at that time, Catalina, always pushed me to learn new things. She would always tell me, "Veronica never say you can't do anything without trying and if you fail at least know that you tried your best". Her words have stuck with me ever since and everywhere I go, I challenge myself to try new things. 

What hurdles have you had to overcome to get where you are today?  
I left home at a very young age and became a teenage mother. I had to work twice as hard to get myself through school and work at the same time. I didn't have my parents support and there were many times that I only had two hours of sleep because I had to do homework and take care of my baby, who would sleep during the day and was awake during the night. However, all this sacrifice paid off because I'm proud to say that I graduated with high honors, a 4.0 GPA, and received a 2-year scholarship which put me through college. 

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement?  
Focus on the positive, think good thoughts, and be helpful. Surround yourself with people who are also positive, kind-hearted, and intelligent because these people believe in you and will encourage you to be better every day.

Anna Y.
VP of Planning &
Business Strategy


What word best describes you as a woman?
Adaptable…I’m not afraid of change and improving my process with every opportunity I have. Every day we run into challenges, but to take those challenges and turn them into opportunities is the best approach!

What makes you most proud of yourself?
I have had the privilege of working with some excellent companies throughout my career that have given me fresh new perspectives and have learned so much from every role I had been promoted into. Now that I am an empowered female executive leader at Liverpool, I get to be a part of the change and growth of our company’s journey and know that I was a critical part of making it happen has been a very proud spot in my life.

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement?
You will always encounter challenges in life, but my life motto has always been “I have to be the change. Don’t wait for others to change.”

What do you love about your role at Liverpool? 
l love that my role is so versatile in this company. In a traditional planning role, I would not have nearly the amount of breadth of responsibilities and experiences that I can make a direct decision to. It’s so wonderful to be able to work cross functionally with our teams to make progress.

Filomena G.
Retail Manager


What word best describes you as a woman?
Zealous I’m full of energy, loyal and passionate about family, life, and work.

What woman inspired you to become the woman you are?
My Mother Cristina. My parents came to this country in 1967 with my brother, $200 in cash and only speaking Italian. My mother worked hard to make a home and worked in a textile mill. I was born a year later, I’m a first-generation, and she worked to ensure my brother and I had what we needed throughout my life. She showed me that working hard, a good education, and strength would be key to my success.

What do you love about your role at Liverpool?
Being able to connect with the retailers on a different level from wholesale sales. Having the owners feel that we are invested in their business as partners. This role also gives me the ability to connect with the consumers. Being able to show and fit women in jeans and in our lifestyle collection, is truly an amazing experience. I just love that look on their face when they look and feel so confident in what they are wearing.

What do you love about women?
Women are warriors! Being able to juggle home life, family and working. Women are compassionate, ready to rally, help and inspire each other in whatever life throws us!

Rhiza S.
Sample Coordinator


What word best describes you as a woman?
Curious One word that perfectly explains who I am is “curious”! I am my happiest self when I am learning new things, meeting new people, and exploring the world around me. I am always thinking of what’s next and how to execute it! My curiosity is my superpower!

What woman inspired you to become the woman you are?
The woman who inspired me to become the woman I am today is my mother. She taught me how to live fearlessly, generously, and to have fun while doing it!

What makes you most proud of yourself?
I am most proud of my adventurous spirit and my ability to see the bright side of any bad day. 

What do you love about your role at Liverpool? 
I love working with a team where the majority is women! The feminine energy forges a supportive and creative space that makes me excited to come to work every day. We are an amazing team!

Pam M.
Vice President of
Retail Development


What word best describes you as a woman?
Empowered My intention each day is to emulate what ‘Empower’ looks and feels like. Getting curious about what I might be up against and being ok with “too soon, don’t know” is a daily practice that allows me to create enough space in my mind to allow the “Good Enough” plan to come.

What makes you most proud of yourself?  
When I started my career in retail, I was a single mom, hadn’t finished my education and amid a divorce.  I remember in the early years of my career growth my focus was to make enough money for rent and feed my son. The goals were very specific and clear. I accepted every opportunity that came my way even when it meant moving my son to places like Alaska. 25+ years ago women didn’t really hold positions beyond Store Manager and I am proud to have been one of the first of now many women who have been able to achieve roles at the highest level of leadership. 

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement?
“Dance with the partner you brought.” We might not always like the partner we have for this dance but there is incredible strength, satisfaction, and power in learning to be with the challenges that come our way. We are way stronger than we might sometimes feel during a difficult time, but it is way more empowering to determine your own response. 

What do you love about your role at Liverpool?
I absolutely love that I work for a company that believes in being a partner with their stores well beyond the brand. I get to support predominately women owned businesses and help them personally and professionally. Visiting stores, collaborating, and supporting them is motivating and inspiring.  

Elizabeth Y.
Design Director –
Shirts, Knits, Sweaters


What word best describes you as a woman?
Dedicated I want to exceed expectations and produce high-quality results and success!

What woman inspired you to become the woman you are? 
My mom’s kindness, patience and unconditional love has always been an inspiration to me. I pray one day that I’ll become half the woman she is and be the same inspirational role model to my own children.

What hurdles have you had to overcome to get where you are today? 
Loss. Losing something/someone gave me the opportunity to reflect on what is truly important to me so that I kept moving forward in my life.

What makes you most proud of yourself? 
Life has thrown a lot at me and no matter how difficult things got, I always chose to be resilient and fight back.  I learned a lot from my mistakes and grew from them to become a better person 

Kristi W.
Executive Sales


What word best describes you as a woman?
Enthusiastic I chose the word Enthusiastic. I am a positive person and I like to enjoy all things in my life.

What hurdles have you had to overcome to get where you are today?
I have had several hurdles in my life including standing by my husband when he had a stroke, complications with my pregnancy and losing my job. With all these hurdles I have learned so much about myself and how strong I am. I have taken all my learnings and have tried to lead by example for my son and others in my life.

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement?
Always be true to yourself and know your voice is important.

What do you love about your role at Liverpool?
I feel like I am a part of the company, not just another sales representative. My involvement with sales, design, collaborations, and special projects pushes me to learn and to become a better employee, boss, and friend.

Jessica T.
Senior Women’s
Denim Designer 


What word best describes you as a woman?
Resilient I really identify with this word because I have often had to figure things out as I’m doing it. I feel like trial and error is an underrated way of learning. Every time I have made an error or come across something more difficult than I expected I have had to pull myself together and get it done. And it feels so good when I get those difficult things done! I feel that this has made me a strong designer and a strong person.

What makes you most proud of yourself?
I am very proud of myself for never giving up. I see what I want, and I am determined to get it, even if there are obstacles, I find my way around.

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement?
Find your power and happiness in yourself. 

What do you love about your role at Liverpool?
I love my team and seeing ideas become tangible garments that real women will wear and feel confident wearing.

Morgan K.
ECOM Project Manager


What word best describes you as a woman?
Thoughtful  I easily empathize with people, and I like to be there for them. I really consider everyone's needs and take them into account with my words and actions, and I truly love helping people.

What woman inspired you to become the woman you are?
My mom, grandma, and my aunts have inspired me to become the woman I am today. All of them display acts of kindness, generosity, and a great fashion sense.

What makes you most proud of yourself?
I’m proud of where I am today and how I got here. I can speak my mind openly to my team, share ideas and have confidence in what I do.

What do you love about your role at Liverpool?
I love that every day is different, and I am always learning something new! To be able to see the process of the clothing from start to finish is so inspiring! It doesn’t hurt that I also love my team and who I get to work with every day!

Rozlyn P.
Customer Service


What word best describes you as a woman? 
Courageous  I surprise myself every day at the bravery and courage I've had in taking risks and seeking better opportunities for myself. Putting yourself first takes courage. 

What hurdles have you had to overcome to get where you are today?
My biggest hurdle has been getting out of my comfort zone and trying new things. If you never go, you never know!

What do you love about women?
How strong we are!! We literally can do it all!!

What woman inspired you to become the woman you are?
My beautiful mother. She does it all and with a great attitude. She showed me that positive attitude and mindset is everything. 

Elizabeth B.
Marketing Manager


What word best describes you as a woman?
Vibrant full of life, energy and enthusiasm, this word encompasses much of who I am. I feel that the energy you bring and the kindness you give are what matter most. It is my joy to see, appreciate and celebrate people for who they truly are. I love uplifting people and situations, and strive to bring encouragement, love, kindness, and laughter wherever I go.

What woman inspired you to become the woman you are?
My mother and grandmother together were incredibly influential to my life. My grandmother was smart, creative, and full of life. She captivated everyone with her ability to weave a story, and her humor – no one could make me laugh more than my Nana. My mother is incredibly supportive, loving, loyal, thoughtful, and kind, and I am grateful for her presence in my life every day. These women truly shaped the very best parts of me.

What makes you most proud of yourself?
My strength, resilience, ability to pivot when necessary, and to have emerged out from the other side of some serious life challenges with my faith, spirit, and ability to love and laugh still intact. I’m proud to be a survivor. 

What words of encouragement do you have for other women?
You are beautiful, capable and enough - just as you are. All that love you give to others – don’t forget to give it to yourself too!

Molly T.
Social Media Manager


What word best describes you as a woman?
Creative You go through life trying to find your purpose, and I have come to the conclusion that mine is creativity. Not always in the traditional sense in my career, but in every aspect of my life. From problem solving, to how I view the world around me, I find moments every single day to be creative.

What woman inspired you to become the woman you are?
My mother is my biggest role model and the strongest person I know. I’ve been blessed to be raised by incredibly strong women and I live by their example every single day. 

What makes you most proud of yourself?
My entire life has been an uphill battle. As a child, I struggled with school, eating disorders and mental health, but these things built me into the person I am today. As an adult, I became one of the few women in a male dominated field, while having major career ups and downs. I have pushed myself to work so hard every single day for the past decade to get me to where I am today. I remain humble and proud of myself for never backing down on my goals.

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement?
My biggest advice is to not overthink things, don’t be afraid to take risks. Whether it’s stepping outside your comfort zone trying a new style out, making career changes, or moving to a new city, don’t be afraid to jump feet first into something.

Mary N.
Sales Director, Stores


What word best describes you as a woman?
InquisitiveI have been an avid reader my entire life. Whether it is fiction, non-fiction, or a newspaper – there is so much to learn!

What woman inspired you to become the woman you are?
My sister, Jeanne. She’s incredibly smart, creative, crafty (in a Martha Stewart way) and is the funniest person I know.

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement?
You deserve a place at the table. Trust your experience and instincts. “Run to trouble” – be confident and know what you can accomplish.

What do you love about your role at Liverpool?
Liverpool is a truly collaborative environment. We are treated with respect and sharing our ideas is encouraged. The Liverpool culture is empowering.

Alexa B.
Business Relations Manager, NY


What word best describes you as a woman?
Devoted… Wouldn’t say perfectly, but pretty darn close. I am devoted to my fiancé Zach, my family, my friends and my work. I am devoted to my happiness and the people, ideas and things that make me feel whole.

What woman inspired you to become the woman you are?
My mother. My mother Dunia has the kindest soul, to anyone and everyone. She spreads such joy. She is strong with an unbelievably positive attitude. She is supportive and has always put family first. She is so incredibly hard working. She is my inspiration and inspires me every day to smile, be appreciative and to never give up on my dreams.

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement?
We get in our own way too often! Be patient and be kind with yourself. Be true to you and do things that continue to give you JOY. When you are having a bad day, take a deep breathe, remember life is too short to get caught up in things that don’t bring you happiness.

What do you love about your role at Liverpool?
I love that I get to make a positive impact on how women perceive themselves. I love that I get to encourage women to feel and look their absolute best. I love that I get to be a role model for young girls growing up. I love that I am constantly learning and get to be creative, think on my toes and be involved in so many different aspects of the business.

Kelly H.
Executive Sales Assistant


What word best describes you as a woman?   
Genuine  It was a challenge for me to pick the perfect word to explain who I am, but I feel this describes who I am best. I think I am genuine with how I approach life, love others, and work every day. I choose to be authentic in my delivery in every aspect of my life.

What woman inspired you to become the woman you are?
My mother inspired me to become the woman I am. If you knew her, you would understand. Her constant love for learning, evolving, and making a difference in everyone’s lives has pushed me to be who I am. It is a cliché, but I hope to be half the woman she is one day.

What makes you most proud of yourself?
What makes me most proud of myself is my growth. Moving from Ohio to Los Angeles, not knowing a single soul, and starting a job away from my family and friends makes me proud. Since moving here and starting with Liverpool I have found myself growing into the woman I want to be. I am proud to say I have accepted change with open arms.

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement?
Being your most authentic self is the most beautiful thing you can be. Do not let other opinions of you weigh in on what you think of yourself. If you are unapologetically you, nothing can stand in your way. 

Cindy W.
Production Manager


What word best describes you as a woman?
Loud LOUD!!  Yes, I am very loud.  I talk loud, I laugh loud, I even walk “loud” when I have heels on.  You can hear me walking down the hall from the next building.

What hurdles have you had to overcome to get where you are today?
Learning new things every day, that’s really what it is. You fall, you get up and you learn. Years of experience.

What makes you most proud of yourself?
The ability to take care of my family and I’m also a proud fur-mom to two fur-babies, Mike (Shi Tzu) and Maru (Maltese)!

What do you love about your role at Liverpool?
I like the challenge and feeling accomplished after shipping amazing products, season after season. this role also gives me the platform to interact with the entire Liverpool team. I like working with all my work sisters!

Jennifer R.
ECOM Operations &
Analysis Manager

What word best describes you as a woman?
AnalyticalI love solving problems, especially ones that have multiple solutions. It challenges me to come up with ideas that are outside the box.

What makes you most proud of yourself?
What makes me most proud of myself is my resilience and keeping the promises I made to myself. Life throws a lot of things at you and it’s what you make of it that matters.

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement?
Trust yourself! You know in your heart you can achieve the goals you set out for yourself. Keep working hard and your time to shine will come!

What do you love about your role at Liverpool? 
What I love about my role at Liverpool is that I’m trusted to achieve our goals while being given the opportunity to continually learn, grow and mentor. 

Erika N.
Customer Service Manager


What word best describes you as a woman?
Strong I’ve been through so many obstacles in life both professionally and personally and I’ve learned to be strong and overcome these barriers. Strength isn’t always something you’re born with, but when there’s no other choice, you have to learn to be strong.

What makes you most proud of yourself? 
My children, they are my pride and joy!

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement? 
You are loved, smart and beautiful. Wake up every morning thanking God for another day and fuel yourself with positive words.

Who is your female style inspiration and why? 
My mother. She is strong, hardworking, dedicated, compassionate and overall, a wonderful woman. She worked in apparel for many years, she always looked fashionable, and I loved her style. I want to be able to inspire my kids one day just like she inspires me.

Alexis N.
Retail Coordinator

What word best describes you as a woman?
Authentic My grandpa always told me growing up to just be authentic and be yourself, and that is something I truly do every day. I dance to the beat of my own drum and stay true to myself.

What makes you most proud of yourself?
I put myself through college debt free all while working a full-time job and a part time job at the same time. I have never slowed down, but I am proud that I saw a life I wanted, and I did everything in my power to have that life. I am still working towards my goals every day, but I forget to take time and reflect on the goals I have already achieved.

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement?
No one is going to hand you the life you want, it’s up to you to go after it and get it. Work hard and be kind to others.

What do you love about your role at Liverpool?
I love my role at Liverpool because I get to help empower women to find clothing that makes them feel unique and beautiful in their own skin. I love that Liverpool truly has a something for ALL body types and how much this company strives for inclusivity. 


Melissa C.
Senior Designer –
Shirts, Knits, Sweaters


What word best describes you as a woman?
Inspired I feel this word encompasses my being. I’m constantly inspired by my surroundings, whether it’s an amazing beach landscape, the colors of a sunset, or a detail of a design. I’m always seeking new inspiration and experiences. I’m also inspired by my children and my family and the love we have for each other.

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement?
Always try to approach life with a glass half full mentality, no matter how hard it may be in the moment. Staying positive and the power of positive thinking are so important! Confidence is key - always lift yourself up, never put yourself down.

What do you love about women?
Women are incredibly resilient.

What do you love about your role at Liverpool? 
I love being able to use my creativity on a daily basis and express myself through design. It’s great working on a team with lots of other creatives and strong women. It’s also fun to wear our designs and show them to my kids – I want to inspire them to follow their own dreams as well.

Carla A.
Pacific Northwest
Account Manager


What word best describes you as a woman?
Positive I am a very positive and happy person and I feel it rubs off on others.

What makes you most proud of yourself?
I am proud of the success that I have had in my work and personal life. Everything I own I have worked hard for and have never been handed anything.

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement?
Always be kind and honest. It will always come back to you.

What do you love about your role at Liverpool?
I love the relationships I have built. I love representing a brand that has amazing quality, great price points and will help my retailers be successful!

Sue R.
Southeast Sales Manager


What word best describes you as a woman?
TrustworthyI feel it is very important to your accounts and co-workers that they can trust your input and guidance.  The foundation to any relationship is building trust!

What hurdles have you had to overcome to get where you are today?
I've had to trust in my abilities even when others said the job would be too big for me, especially back in the 80's when most of the large territories were only managed by men. I interviewed for a job in the late 80's and the VP told me that I should be very proud of myself for even being considered for that position. I didn't get that position; they gave it to another guy with great experience, but they called me about a month later and offered me another position with their largest division. Things always seem to work out one way or another!

What makes you most proud of yourself?
That at the ripe old age of 65, I’m still dancing twice a week and keeping up with all the choreography and learning new dances. Great for balance and mind, keeps me on my toes, literally!

What do you love about your role at Liverpool?
I am very honored to work with everyone here. Every day is different, and our customers are so appreciative of everything we do for them.  I’ve been in this business a long time and Liverpool is a company that treats their customers like gold!

Denise P.
Customer Service Assistant


What word best describes you as a woman?
Compassionate I deeply care about humanity regardless of race, religion, or anything. I love being kind and it is my joy to help and assist people.

What makes you most proud of yourself?
My ability to work with people. I have an incredible amount of patience for and a natural ability to calm people down and diffuse anger and upset. It's a gift I'm grateful for and it is very handy working in Customer Service.

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement?
Daily Affirmations! I am strong. I am beautiful. I am compassionate. I am kind. It is so important to speak kind words to yourself. 

What woman inspired you to become the woman you are?
My Nana.  Everything that I am, my whole being is because of her. My morals, my belief in God, my Italian cooking, I learned everything from her. My grandson now calls me Nana too, after her.

Sonia E.
Sample Coordinator

What word best describes you as a woman? 
Warmth In good times and bad times, I will be there to help, support and encourage others. Growing up I realized that it was easy to find “mean” people. Although at times it made me feel sad, less then, or discouraged, I found myself determined to be the opposite. I want to be the person that makes someone feel like hugs and cookies with warm milk after a long hard day.

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement? 
Some words of wisdom I can give is that when you are trying something new or setting a new goal, be aware that mistakes and doubt are part of the process. This doesn’t make you any less of a person, keep moving forward.

What do you love about your role at Liverpool? 
What I love the most about my role in Liverpool is that I get to interact with so many departments. There are so many amazing women here and I feel like I always learn something awesome every day because of them. Not only does this make me better at performing my job, but they all inspire me to become better every day.  

What do you love about women? 
What I love the most about women is that we are passionate and driven. We have that self-spark that keeps us going even when things seem difficult to accomplish.

Molly H.
Southeast Account Manager


What word best describes you as a woman?
Relational The people in my life are what matter most! My clients become like family, and loyalty is something I strive to show them.


What makes you the most proud of yourself?
Being a female business owner is truly a source of pride for me, though seeing my children grow into kind, loving, talented little humans is the accomplishment I am MOST proud of! Hearing another mom say to me "your kid is just my favorite of my child's friends" is what sends the pride meter into overdrive. My answer has two names - Noah and Ford. Best thing I will ever accomplish in my life, and WHY I work so hard!

What hurdles have you had to overcome to get where you are today?
Anyone in this industry knows that the glamour is only surface deep. It is back breaking, dig deep, self-motivated, hard work and most don't stay in the "biz" long enough to get to the good stuff. I don't begrudge the hurdles. I am grateful for each one because they got me to the success I am so blessed to have today!

What do you love about your role at Liverpool?
I love that we are a TEAM! It feels like a tight knit family. The women have been SO warm, SO welcoming, and SO encouraging! They are bright, hardworking, kindhearted people and they have gone above and beyond to make sure that our team has everything we need to be successful!

Karen L.
Southeast Account Manager


What word best describes you as a woman?
Wanderlust When I am traveling, especially to foreign places, I am at my most happy and soul filled. I love an adventure and love checking out new places and neighborhoods.

What makes me the most proud of myself?
My ability to be by myself whether it’s traveling overseas, domestically or just going to an event solo.  Living in NYC from college until I was 40 gave me a strong sense of independence and fearlessness. I actually prefer traveling solo, because I’m more open and approachable.  So many solo trips have ended in new forever friendships. 

What words of encouragement do I have for other women?
We can do anything we set our minds to. Be resourceful, be open, meet as many people as you can and let them know what your dreams are.  Good people want to help other good people. 

What do I love about my role at Liverpool?
I love establishing strong relationships with my buyers and becoming their partner. I love hearing how well the product is doing and hearing their enthusiasm.  I love being on the selling floor and meeting one of our customers who anxiously awaits the next delivery of Liverpool.  I love traveling to different parts of the country that I wouldn’t normally travel to and learning about their customers, culture, history and life.  I love representing a brand that is beloved and trusted!

Jeannette T.
Rocky Mountain Sales


What word best describes you as a woman?
IndependentI am an achiever and a go getter! 

What woman inspired you to become the woman you are?
My mother, she always taught me to be independent and succeed on my own and to not depend on someone else to support me.

What words of wisdom do you have for women who need encouragement?
Never give up, when one door closes another will always open.

What do you love about your role at Liverpool?
Helping women business owners become successful by carrying Liverpool. It is such a diversified line that caters to so many different women of all walks of like, all kinds of sizes, fits and lifestyles.

Holly B.
Southwest Sales

What word best describes you as a woman?
Driven I’m a highly energetic and goal-oriented woman. I stay in my ‘Go’ gear most of the time. I’m motivated and determined to succeed in my career.

What hurdles have you had to overcome to get where you are today?
I began my career in the fashion industry at 19 and it was a man’s world at that time. I had to gain the trust of many people during those early years but mainly I had to trust myself. It took hard work, faith and tenacity to establish a solid business. I just celebrated 30 years in my chosen career and as my business continues to grow, I realize I will have more hurdles to overcome. But I also know all I have to do is overcome them.

What do you love about your role at Liverpool?
To have the opportunity to work with such an incredible company, staffed by some of the best in the business is a true joy. Liverpool strives each season to be on the cutting edge of fashion, growing without jeopardizing value and quality of their product. Being a part of that growth gives me a sense of purpose and pride.

Who is your female style inspiration and why?
I meet women every single day that inspire me. Being a female business owner in today’s world is not for the faint of heart. I’ve personally witnessed women evolve in our industry and by working with them, I’ve seen firsthand how hard work and a lot of grace can make you successful.  

Happy International Women's day to all the women in the world. For us, this day is monumental... everyday. Women are a driving force not just in our company, but around the world. Celebrate today by honoring the women around you, support women-owned businesses, donate causes that support women and pass the word. 

Comment below and let us know what you would like to read more of. We would love to hear your feedback and provide you with content you truly care about. 

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