Happy Mother's Day!

We invited members of our Liverpool team to write and share with us a letter to their moms.  Warm, touching and genuinely heartfelt, these expressive words of love and admiration speak for us all.  We hope you enjoy them as well as the accompanying "vintage" photos of our special mothers. To all the mothers, grandmothers, aunts and "stand-in moms" we wish you the happiest Mother's Day. 

Join us! Post a photo of your mom today and express your love.
Be sure to tag us @liverpooljeans and #DEARMOMxLPLA

Happy Mother’s Day Mom - Although it’s been four years now that you joined Dad in heaven, I still feel like you are here with me every day.  I know you are sitting up in heaven watching over me - I feel your strength and guidance and wonderment of what I am accomplishing.    
Even though we talked on the phone every other day - when you heard my voice, you always made it seem like I was the most important person calling you that day.  The support you gave me throughout my entire life has made me the woman I am today.  Not everything came easy for me, but you were determined to help me succeed.   You never gave up on me and always made me feel like I could accomplish anything I set my mind to do.  The fact that you always made me feel like I had a safe place to come back to if I failed gave me the strength to try even harder.  I changed my direction in life more than most young kids starting out - you hung in there with me, believed in me and supported any new direction I wanted to explore.  When most of the male figures in my life at the time discouraged my entrepreneurial spirt, you only encouraged it.  I will never forget that.  You taught me amazing life lessons and made me into a strong independent woman.  You always made reference to “where did I get the strength to do the things I’ve done”……it all came from you Mom. 
I love you so much!

Jill Perilman, Design Director


 Dear Mom,

As you know and have been told many times, there are not enough letters in the world to explain how lucky I am to have you as my mom. You are the sweetest, kindest, most generous person I know. Your positive energy is contagious and exhilarating and you have this unbelievable ability to turn any frown upside down! I want to thank you for supporting me in everything I do. Telling me that I can achieve anything I put my mind too. You have always been my #1 fan and I am just so endlessly grateful for that. Thank you for teaching me what LOVE really is and that laughter and chocolate is the key to happiness. Someday I can only hope I will be half the mom you are.  I love you so much, Happy Mother’s Day!

Alexa, Business Relations Manager


Vintage Photos of Veronica's Mom

Querida Madre

Como han pasado los años, y cada dia que pasan, desearia que el tiempo pasara mas lento. Ahora tu cabello se torna blanco y en tu piel se ve el paso del tiempo. Hoy, yo me veo en tu reflejo, y entiendo todo lo que hicistes por mi. Gracias mama por enseñarme hacer una mujer trabajadora, independiente y tambien por ensenarme a no jusgar a los demas. Madre, admiro mucho tu fortaleza y tus ganas deluchar por la vida. Eres una mujer valiente, invencible porque as pasado por muchas cosas y siempre as salido adelante. Le dio gracias a Dios todos los dias que hoy estas conmigo. Mama, ahora tambien mi cabello comienza a ponerse blanco y en mi piel se empieza a verse el paso del tiempo. Por eso entiendo que como tu cuidastes de mi cuando era niña, ahora me toca a mi cuidar de ti. Mama, te quiero con todo mi corazon y siempre voy a estar alli por ti, como tu lo estubistes por mi.

Tu hija,

Veronica, Asistente Ejecutivo

Dear Mom

As the years have passed, and with each passing day, I wish time would go by slower. Now your hair turns white and your skin shows the passage of time. Today, I see myself in your reflection, and I understand everything you did for me. Thank you mom, for teaching me to become a hardworking, independent woman and for teaching me not to judge others. Mother, I admire your strength and your desire to fight for life.You are a brave woman, invincible because you have been through so much and always come out ahead. I thank God every day that you are with me today. Mom, now my hair begins to turn white and my skin begins to see the passage of time. That's why I understand how you took care of me when I was a girl, now it's my turn for me to take care of you. Mama, I want with all my heart and I will always be there for you, as you were for me.

Your daughter,

Veronica, Executive Assistant

Dear mom,

You truly are my queen. It’s amazing seeing you thrive in all aspects of what you have been through and still have that positive light no matter what. That strength and commitment have really inspired and molded me into who I am today. You pushed me in a way that inspired me to want to do better. Just seeing you learn English... and some Spanish after opening a video store has really opened my eyes. It’s funny how many people say they don’t want to be just like their parents… But honestly, I only hope and wish to have all your qualities.

I know kids always strive to make their parents proud… But I am proud of you and I am proud to be your son. Your story and legacy will always push and motivate me. You will always be the light and love I seek.
Mahal kita inay! Palagi kang magiging reyna!
Translation: I love you mom, you will always be my queen!
Love always, your son.

Love always, your favorite son.
Otaner – Liverpool Ecom Director


Dear Mami/Maquita/MA/La Cubana,
Effortless. Your dedication, your beauty, and your love are effortless. I admire how you dedicate your time to helping others without need of praise. I admire how you can dress up any outfit with red lipstick, and a kitten heel. Mostly, I admire your unwavering love for those in your life. Thank you for paving the way, and for constantly inspiring me to overcome any obstacle.

Te quiero mucho.
Christine, Regional Sales Director 

Thank you for everything you do for me.  For being my support.  My rock. My best friend.  For looking out for me.  For making me feel special.  I can’t imagine anyone doing a better job at being my mom than you.  
We’ve been on so many adventures together and have also dealt with so many struggles together. And I wouldn’t want to go through them with anyone else.  You have helped shape me into the person I am today, and I am so grateful for that.  I will never be able to repay you for everything you have taught me over the years (though I’ll try) but hopefully one day – in the future - I will be able to pay if forward with my own children.  
Shar-wow, I love you so much.  As much as I have resisted becoming an adult, I will always be your baby.  
Love, your favorite child – sorry Tyler,
Morgan, Digital Brand Marketing Assistant


Dear Mom,
You are the most amazing person and I am so incredibly proud and grateful to be your daughter. Each day that I get to work in the fashion industry is thanks to you; thank you for your encouragement and for the sacrifices you’ve made in life to ensure I had the opportunities I do now. I will do my best in life to give back to you all of the love and support you have given me. Happy Mother’s Day.
With Love,
Desiree, Assistant Designer


A smile soft and subtle, and a heart that always gives. You taught me to be strong but you don’t always have to win. You’re more beautiful than you know on the outside and within.
I love you Momma.
Maranda, Customer Service Specialist 


Dear Mom,
You have always been an inspiration to me as the rock of our household and a successful career-oriented woman. I honestly don’t know how you did it, but you made sure my childhood was full of happiness and that I had everything I ever needed. Growing up with you as a role model has shaped me as person and made me the woman I am today.  Even now I look to you for guidance and lean on you for your never-ending love and support.
Love you, Mom- Happy Mother’s Day,
Jessica Jane, Designer


Querida Madre,
Nunca me cansare de expresar cuanto te amo, te admiro y respeto. Gracias por todos los sacrificios que has echo por mi y mis hermanas. En realidad- yo te debo toda mi vida! Te amo hoy, mañana, para siempre.
Feliz Dia de las Madres mamita.

Lourdes, Asistente de Marketing

Dearest Mother,
I will never get tired of expressing how much I adore you, admire you and respect you. Thank you for sacrificing so much of yourself for me and my sisters. Truth be told- I owe you my entire life! I love you today, tomorrow, for eternity.
Happy Mother’s Day mamita.

Lourdes, Marketing Assistant

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAYTo the most selfless, patient, and kindest person I know- Mom, I am SO incredibly grateful for you.  You’ve sacrificed so much to give your family a better life and you’ve done more for me than you’ll ever know.   I look up to you as I raise my own children and I strive to be the kind of mother you were to me- encouraging, loving and supportive.

I thank God every day for blessing me with the best Mom.  I love you!
Your favorite daughter,
Liz, Design Director


Dear Mom,

I remember sitting backstage at countless theaters, watching you put on your makeup. When you were in Cinderella, I was so angry that they’d cast you as the wicked stepmother. You looked like Cinderella to me. 

Thank you for always prioritizing your art. You taught me, from the time I was born, the importance of making work out of what it is you love most. 

Thank you for modeling resilience, but never being afraid to be vulnerable with me. You taught me how to listen closely to my intuition, and that I’m free and right to live by it.

Thank you for your courageous patience, with me, with your craft, with those you help move through the world. You taught me how to be gracious with others, and that it’s OK to cry over spilt milk for a little while, as long as you clean it up.

Thank you for your trust in me, and for being my home when I need you to be.

And thank you for all the things you do for me that are so powerful but so quiet that I forgot to mention them in this letter.

Lizzie, Social Media Manager


Dear Mom,
Happy Mother’s Day to my beautiful, hardworking, and intelligent mother. I love you so much and I don’t know what I would do without you. You do so much for me, you inspire me, push me in school, and believe in me through basketball. You are always there for me and Nicolas when we need you. Thank you for working so hard to provide for our family, we truly appreciate everything you do. I love how festive you are, you always make us feel special by decorating the house on easter, halloween, birthdays, christmas, and on the 4th of July. My favorite feeling is walking into your room after a tiring day, plopping down on your bed, and you tickling my back. Finally you really know how to grasp everyone's attention with that beautiful singing voice:) 

Love you,
Your amazing Daughter.  
p.s.  I think some culinary skills are needed. 

Holly, Executive Vice President 


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