Testimonial - Terms and Conditions

As a condition of receiving the $25 gift card to LiverpoolJeans.com, survey responders give and grant to Liverpool Jeans Company and its officers, employees, agents, representatives, affiliates, subsidiaries, consultants, independent contractors, successors, assigns, designees and licensees (“Liverpool”), the right to use and publish Participant’s name, any recording (sound or video) of Participant, their voice, picture, portrait, likeness, characteristics, signature or facsimile thereof, and biographical materials as embodied in materials associated with Liverpool’s products, marketing, advertising, sales or promotional efforts (the “Materials”) in all forms of media now known or hereafter created, including without limitation, video, television, print, billboards, point-of-purchase materials, corporate communications, internal and external marketing pieces, and Internet in any and all territories throughout the world. No further consideration of any kind will be paid to Participant in connection with the Submission or Liverpool’s use thereof.